For those of you who have been following this blog from its inception (not sure anyone is left, what with my woefully inadeqaute blogging skills this past year), the expectation was that our first child would be adopted from Vietnam.
As we know, that is not going to happen.
When we fell into the crazy world of foster care, the thought was that we would adopt through the foster care system....
then we had to make the very difficult decision to not adopt Hoss and Little Joe. Hoss and Little Joe were with us for almost seven months. They were moved to a tribal foster home in January.
Porkchop came into our care in November at two and a half months of age. We accepted his placement as the expectation was that his parental rights would be terminated and we would be able to adopt him.
Long story that I can't get into (and makes me sick to my stomach, truthfully), but Porkchop's biomom has found a new boyfriend (21 years her senior) who has moved in with her along with his daugther and biomom is doing everything that she has been asked to do to have Porkchop returned to her. The expectation is that Porkchop will reunify with biomom within the next few months. It's a nightmare for a number of reasons I can't talk about, but the system is the system and it doesn't matter what I or the caseworker or the other service providers personally believe about her ability to parent him, what matters is she is meeting the laws requirements to have him returned to her.
As we have struggled to come to grips with the reality that Porkchop (barring anything major happening with his case) will be reunified with his biomom, we had a completely shocking turn of events in our own private lives.
Is everyone sitting down? Take a deep breath now, my friends....
(Trust me, I took four pregnancy tests and even insisted on a blood test---- I am most certainly pregnant)
So now we are in a quandry as to what to do about Porkchop (I am soo exhausted, morning sickness is kicking my ass, and we financially can't afford to continue buying his formula and taking him every other week to the children's hospital for testing, not to mention he does not sleep through the night yet...let's just say we love that little boy with all our heart but he has a lot of needs and I am struggling to meet them at this point and still take care of myself) and what to do about our adoptive homestudy (which is, save for the physicals, all set to mail out to various caseworkers across the country who are trying to place children that we are interested in) ......
We are truly floored (and thrilled) to be having a baby biologically......but I am having a hard time letting go of our adoption plans and with taking care of a baby I love dearly who I know is going home to his biomom.......its really making it almost impossible to "enjoy" this unexpected pregnancy........
how does one balance all of this and make the right decisions? How in the world do I figure out what is most important to take care of and figure out what to let go of and what to keep trying to do?
Now I know that many women become pregnant while parenting young infants and toddlers and manage it just fine. And if Porkchop was ours, we would figure it all out. But he isn't our child, he is a foster child, and dealing with the system is difficult and exhausting...we have visitation schedules, home visits, service providers, we have to pay for a lot of things out of our own pocket that we are not reimbursed for or only partly reimbursed for......biomom only has to show up and play with him for a few hours, but we have to buy his formula (after WIC it still costs us 250 dollars a month) take him to see the GI specialist at a hospital that is ten hours a way and requires a three day trip (which we pay for out of pocket)...we have had two such trips in the last three weeks and another one coming up soon and more to follow......we hold him up at night so he can breathe easier and so his reflux problems are minimized.....
we love him and we want to do these things for him. we really do.
But can we keep doing it?
I want to enjoy this pregnancy. I want to enjoy getting ready for this baby we are having. I want to SLEEP......
I am at this point unable to do that as I am wrapped up in Porkchop's care and all those things that are involved in his "case." I deal with a sick crying baby for hours after every visit. A baby who doesnt' sleep well, who doesn't sleep for long when he does sleep, a baby that I would do anthing for and really have no right to make any decisions whatsover about his needs and his care because I am JUST A FOSTER MOM.
We have the option of having Porkchop moved to a new foster home while the courts work out his reunification.
There is a part of me that really wants to take that option, grieve the loss of our little porkchop, and then focus my time,energy, and attention on the pregnancy and our baby to be.
There is another part of me that can't bear the idea of having him moved for any reason and who wants to cling to the slim possibility that maybe something will fall apart for biomom and he will get to stay forever.....
The truth is he can be in foster care for up to 22 months before they have to make a definite move towards termination.
The truth is his biomom really is doing all that they ask of her (never mind that what they are asking is so ridiculously little it would make you sick) .
The truth is no matter what we do, he is going back to a horrible situation where he is going to get at best minimal care.
So, what do we do?
Maybe I am just so freaking exhausted right now and can't think straight and once this first trimester is over I will be more clear headed.
But, selfishly, I really do not want to have the memory of our first (and probably only) pregnancy and birth child to be one overwhelmed with the grief and loss of Porkchop. selfish is it to put Porkchop through another move?
Then again, how horrible is it that this system is not able to protect him and give him a good life?
I keep reminding myself that I didnt' put this darling baby in this situation..his biomom did..and it is the broken messed up system that is going to send him back to a horrible situation.
I hate that I can't protect him.
So, what do I DO????
IM PREGNANT!!!! .its great wonderful terrific news.....why doesn't it FEEL like it?
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Wowie wow! Huge congratulations!
Congratulations Kelly!!!!! I am so excited for you and really surprised. Oh my gosh the Porkchop situation is so hard. I really don't know how you do it, you are so strong and loving. It is VERY important that you take care of yourself, you need rest. Talk to PC's social worker and see what his options are. Maybe she has another wonderful foster home for him. Whatever decision you make will be the right one.Big hugs to you! I'm doing the happy dance for you guys right now!!!!
Honey, I am so excited for you. I just wish we could talk, but I understand your situation. I'm busy too...but I'm here for you. You need to take care of yourself. Plain and simple. Yes, you should feel better after the first trimester. How much, who's to say. It's different for everyone. Either decision is ok. You're not a bad person either have done more for one child than most people do in a lifetime. You owe no one but yourself to make the most out of your life...this may be the only one you get to live. If that means keeping him with you until the end that's great. If it means other people can take over that's great too. I hope you find peace with either decision. You know that it's ok to be "selfish", right? It's really not selfish like you think of it.
Wow!!!! Wow! Wow! Wow! Congratulations on the pregnancy! That is such exciting, wonderful news! I wish I had some really insightful awe-insipiring advice about the rest of it, but I don't. It is a tough, tough decision, and I admire you so much for having the patience and perserverance to work with "the system" for as long as you have. We looked into it before we decided on international adoption, and it just made me want to vomit. Whatever the right thing is, you'll figure it out. Oh, also, vitamin B6 is very, very helpful for getting through that first trimester. I didn't know that until my second pregnancy, and it made a world of difference.
First, take a deep breath! If PC were your bio child then you would still have to deal with all of this anyway. To say its not fair that your not being reimbursed for things like formula and trips to the Drs is just plain crazy. I understand he is not yours and may end up elsewhere and you're feeling that all this work is for nothing but he will benefit in the long run. Enjoy your pregnancy for what it is and relax...some people do this kind of thing every day.
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Enjoy it and enjoy Porkchop! Good luck with all of the tough decisions!
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!!! This is wonderful news!! I am so happy for you and praising God for the gift of this pregnancy!
And about Porkchop... wow, that is a LOT to deal with, even if you weren't also dealing with 1st trimester icky feelings. And I really don't know what I'd do in your place. So, I will just pray for you - that God will give you peace and clarity and direction. Because He's the only one who knows the Big Picture for Porkchop and you guys, so I trust him to point the way. :)
Congrats again! It really is incredible, blessed news.
OMG< you are PREGNANT! That is so exciting! I don't have any idea what to tell you to do, but you need to also think about your health and well-being as well as the little one you will be having! I'm sure you will come to the best decision for your family and for Porkchop! Keep us updated! And congratulations again!!!
Congrats! Somehow take a deep breath. Your heartfelt care for PC is admirable. God only gives you what you can handle, and clearly you guys can handle a lot. From our PAP training we learned that the better the living environment is over the first few years the better the long term outcome is. As much as you can influence the foster care of PC the better. There are many of us CHI AP's and PAP's saying extra prayers for you every day. You'll make the right decision. Somehow find a way to get some sleep!
First of all, congratulations!! You've really got a lot on your plate and like everyone, I don't know what to tell you (and wouldn't try!) Have you seen this blog -- I think it would be a good one for you to read just now. Your first trimester will be over soon and you'll feel more like yourself....hang in there.
Wow wow wow!! Congratulations on this unexpected blessing! I know that emotionally you're being pulled in so many directions right now. It's not unreasonable for you to want - NEED - to focus your time and resources on yourself and the new baby. No one will fault you for that, especially not those of us who have been following your blog for ever and are REJOICING! with you now :) And hugs to you too - I'm sure the situation with Porkchop and his bio mom is horribly frustrating for you.
First and most importantly congrats! Maybe sharing with all of us in blogland will help you find some excitement? If not, we have enough excitement right about now to carry you over for awhile :) This is really really great news!
Now about PC...there is a reason that biologically (and in the adoption world) babies are spaced as they are. It is nature's way of giving us time to focus only on a baby's intense needs and then when they are more independent to focus one the baby in our belly. I think its ridiculous for people to suggest that you should just relax and realize people do this every day. They really do NOT do this every day. You really can NOT pretend this is just a bio baby and endure! The issues involved in fostering are hugely emotional - not even comparable to if PC were your legal child. I think you will come to your best solution by listening to your heart closely and focusing on the direction you feel led. I can't imagine how impossible things feel right now in every direction. But there IS one for-sure right now and that is that you are growing a baby in your body .
Hang in there, give yourself time to make the decision and don't be so hard on yourself. Take guilt out of the equation. (((hugs)))
Congratulations on your pregnancy! I am very happy for you.
I am incensed at the above Anonymous commenter who told you it was crazy to say it's not fair that you aren't reimbursed for his formula or doctor visits. I think it's INSANE that you would be expected to pay $250 a month to buy formula for a child who is, ultimately, the responsibility of the State to care for. It's not fair - it's not fair. (And it certainly isn't fair for anonymous people to tell you to just relax and not to dwell on it.)
I wish I could tell you what to do - the decision is ultimately so intensely personal. My own instinct, frankly, would have been to release PC to another foster family the minute it looked like biomom was wanting him back. (This is the reason we didn't adopt from foster care - I've just seen this happen too many times to other adoptive families...) But, you love him, you care for him, the decision has to be yours.
I still think it is absolute crap you should pay ANYTHING that you are not reimbursed for when the State has every intention of ripping your heart out. It's too much to ask of people to put their pocketbooks on the line when they've already been asked to put their hearts and souls and hopes and dreams on hold for the "maybe this baby will be yours" un-promise. (Um...possibly I have strong feelings on the foster-to-adopt program in my own state...)
Kelly, this is CRAZY!!!! I am so happy for you. And porkchop, whoa, I don't have any advice. I know, lame, but it's late and I have no idea what would work best for your family. You cannot keep porkchop if he is going to stay in care up to another 2 years. You would hate if he kept moving around, but you have to keep yourself healthy as well.
I will keep you and your newest little porkchop in my prayers. Hang in there and hopefully you can finally start to sleep tight.
I found your blog recently and just finished reading the whole thing. I'm a foster mom who has adopted 2 boys from foster care and then miraculously gave birth to 2 miracle babies that we were supposed to never be able to have. We've fostered more than 30 children and we also had to make the hard decision to not adopt a little boy with RAD. I enjoyed your blog, I'll be back. Congrats on your pregnancy!
Hi! I have not commented yet, but wow! That is great! I hope all will turn out ok, wow that is a lot of money to shell out each mont, I cannot believe they are not compensating you, I mean, what is up with that?
That does not seem right!
Anyway, I hope everything will work out in the end.
Congrats on your pregnacy and I'm so sorry to hear about your situation with Porkchop. What a horribly sad situation. The "system" just stinks. I have never been a foster parent but have known enough to know I would not be strong enough to do it. As others have posted, your concern for Porkchop is wonderful but you need to make sure you are taking care of yourself. Take one day at a time and try to get as much rest as possible.
Thoughts and Prayers
Kelly, it's been too long. Please tell us how things are going - some of us are very impatient... not me of course :)
Kelly, you are in my thoughts and prayers often. I hope all is well!
hi kelly--
just wondering how all is going... hope you and your family are well.
Kelly, I miss you. How are you?
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