psst...is anyone still out there?
if anyone is, here are the 37 week ultrasound pictures of our baby girl (a girl!!! how ironic after trying to adopt a boy for so long and failing!)
Baby Kennedy Marie is due on the 31st of this month..but I am hoping sooner, as I look and feel like a beluga whale....
according to the handy dandy pregnancy calendar, I should be nesting big time..but I did a lot of that after our foster baby moved on (long story, big heartbreak) and our household was reduced to just us and the two dogs again. But I will talk more about our foster care journey another time..right now it is still too raw and painful to talk about (our little guy has been gone two months and I still cry at the drop of a hat for him. after having him one year and expecting to adopt him...well, you can imagine)
anyway, the funky 3D ultrasound pics! I dunno guys, the kid looks a little sqaushed and goofy looking to me....LOL
hmm....I have a few more ultrasound pics and some pregnant me pics (shudder) but I will save those for another post.....I hope to post again tonight, as I do need some advice from you all...(those of you that are left, anyway!)
Ta for now, the one lone reader who is left out there! thanks for your patience..I know its been far too long between blog postings!
Congratulations!!! I'm so happy that you have decided to post again. I've often thought about you and how your pregnancy was progressing. Welcome back!
Oh she is lovely!!! So happy to hear from you. I missed you so much. So sorry about Porkchop, I can not even imagine what that feels like. Love to see prego pictures, I bet you are a beautiful mama to be :)
Cool ultrasound pics! They didn't have those fancy 3D things when I was pregnant. So sorry to hear the foster situtaion ended in heartbreak. I can't even imagine.
Congratulations once again. I look forward to reading more & will be following closely in the coming weeks.
How exciting! Congratulations on your upcoming arrival :)
Check her out!! She's saying "I want out of here!" LOL.
I'm so sorry about the loss of your foster child... I know your daughter will in no way replace him in your heart, but I'm glad you have her to give you joy and something wonderful to look forward to.
I miss you so much!! You need to call me. This weekend. No taking no!!!
I'm so sorry about losing him.
The name is awesome. I expect picture of her once she's born!
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