Saturday, September 02, 2006

On Blogging and Adoption

After weeks of reading other people's blogs like some kind of adoption blog addict in constant need of a fix: Ifinally broke down and entered the blogging world. I have no illusions that my blog will even come close to being interesting (trust me friends, there are a lot of great blogs out there!) but at least it will give me a place to talk about this daunting, incredible adoption journey we are finally about to embark on.
After two years of talking about adoption and after a lot of life changes to make the adoption possible (new jobs, moving back to the U.P. etc.) we have made the first "official" step towards being parents of an as of now unknown, and probably unborn, baby boy from Vietnam. Yes, that is right folks, we have sent in the sizable check to our homestudy agency and in just two short weeks, we will meet with our homestudy social worker.
For those of you who are seasoned adoption veterans, this may not seem all that exciting, but for us it is nerve-wracking, exhilerating, and over all a call for a shout out to the world: "WE ARE ON OUR WAY!"
p.s. check out our two cuties in the photo: the black pup is Ben aka "Bubba" and the wheaten scottie is Bogey aka "Pookie" They have no idea they will soon share their world with a baby, but we are hopefull they will not be too jealous!


Elowyn said...

Welcome to the blogiverse! I blog over at livejournal (follow my blogspot profile link) and am just recently DTV for a little girl.

I also have a scottie! (Brindle, female, named Piper. Age 1.5.)

Nice to "meet" you!

Melanie said...

How exciting. I am still completing my homestudy (fingerprinting issues, no fault of my social worker or agency). This is such an exciting and emotional journey. It's really nice to 'hear' others going through the process. I have a blog too, I'll have to add you to my already growing list. :)

Stepping On Legos said...

Yay! I love Vn adoption blogs! Post every day. Many times. That makes us blog-addicts happy :-P Haha. Also happy to see another Michigander with their sights set on Vietnam!