Sunday, October 01, 2006

Should I Be Worried???

While the homestudy agency we are working with has been pretty good so far- save for this recent "oh you are gonna need a letter from a CPA...." drama (which made for a really crappy week, but that is a whole other story and probably not blog suitable)-the agency we had all but decided on going with has me a little concerned. Well, not the agency really, more the posts that seem to be popping up more frequently on yahoo groups I am on from people who are complaining about this agency. Apparently the agency we think we are going with has the longest waits of any of them. Of course, I would never choose an agency just based on wait time, but I must admit that I am a bit worried about it.
This is the agency that had the marriage requirement that resulted in us waiting an extra six months to start this process just so we could meet those requirements.
And now I am not so sure it is the right agency to choose.
And maybe its just this has been a horrible week in just about all regards and I am just finding one more thing with which to torture myself.


Anonymous said...

I recently changed agencies and it was the best decision for me. I wouldn't make the change just on the wait time, but if you have concerns I'd really think about your decision and discuss your concerns before you start paying for services.

Kelly said...

Choosing the "right" agency is so difficult. We had to change once because the wait times were just getting entirely too long.

Sarah said...

We just vacationed in the UP about a month ago, at Pictured Rocks. The UP is a beautiful place to live. One the thought of switching agencies, people have done it in the past & been very happy with it. The most important thing is to choose an ethical agency. You could always check out VORF... hee hee. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Why the laughter associated with VORF?