Monday, January 15, 2007

Wait Times and Snow Storms

We received an email update from our agency today. According to the email, there are:
39 families matched with children waiting to travel
127 families with CIS approval waiting to receive their referral
164 application families in the home study process

We have finished our homestudy, but are waiting for CIS approval, so that puts us in the latter category.

Math depresses me, therefore I refuse to do it. Feel free to crunch the numbers and figure out how close (or how far) R and I are from a referral.

In other news, we have had a massive snow storm here- amazing, given that we have had virtually no snow this year up until this point. I was rather enjoying the big, fluffly snowflakes that were falling, until someone slid around the corner and took out our mailbox! That put a damper on my snow appreciation day.

Ben is on round two of antibiotics, anti-inflamitory med, and twice daily wound cleaning and bandaging. he is NOT healing. he is also not leaving the bandage alone. At his first vet's appointment (the day after we returned from Milwaukee) he had everyone in stitches- he cried and whimpered like he was about to be executed, and, when the bandage was on his foot and he was set down, he ran for the door, barking to leave. Well, he took about five steps, stopped suddenly, looked down at his bandaged foot, and flung it out behind him (drama queen style) and yelped as if to say "OH MY GOD!! MY FOOT!! MY LEG!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!! I CAN'T WALK!" Trust me, it was hilarious. he most definitely is the drama dog in this household.

Believe it or not, he has repeated this little scene each and every time we change his bandage! Of course, he does walk on it just fine, but feels the need to give a little show each time- perhaps to make us feel bad for what we are doing to him. Then he slips off under a bed somewhere and emerges twenty or thirty minutes later sans bandage - proud as can be, tail wagging, and foot unbandaged.

That little goober. All we seem to do around here is clean and bandage ben's foot. I even tried putting a baby sock on his foot over the bandage in the hopes that it will keep him from messing with it. No such luck. He just chews right through them.

Those rare moments where he is bandaged and NOT messing with his foot, Bogey is pestering him and licking his bandaged foot for him. Ah, brotherly love.

Only now, Bogey has a yeast infection in his mouth. Not sure if it is related to his "tender care" approach to Ben or not. regardless of the "why", Bogey now has to have the area around his mouth cleaned twice a day and ointment put on it.
Both dogs cower and hide whenever they see Robert or I approaching them at the same time. R and I are reduced to "stealth tactics" in order to get both boys medicated and their wounds treated.

Fun times, don't you think?


KelleyO said...

Crazy! When it rains it pours. My Hootie passed a kidney stone last week now he is on antibiotics and saline (under his skin). So I know all about doctoring the doggie. Hang in there.

Cara said...

Oh goodness! Poor puppies! I hope they get to feeling better soon!

Kathryn said...

I have no idea what the math is and how long referrals will take, but it looks pretty scary, especially for someone so newly into the process. Poor Ben and now Bogey.

Anonymous said...

Though it's never quite the same, animal parenting can be good practice for kiddo parenting. I hope they heal up soon.

S. said...

Ah, brotherly love, LOL! Have you tried duct tape? Hope they are both better soon!

Rachel said...

I'm so sorry about your doggies :( It makes me so sad to hear about sick and wounded animals. My heart just bleeds for them.

Wow, there certainly are a lot of people in your agency's program. But I also know you're with a good agency...that is something to take comfort in. :)

Unknown said...

Where in the UP do you live? I'm from Ishpeming but live in Green Bay now. Most of my family still lives up there. I was in Escanaba over the weekend and I'll be heading up to Ishpeming next week.
I love Yoopers!!

Destination Motherhood said...

You are with the same agency as me :) I know all the timelines get discouraging, keep your eye on the end and your new addition