Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I was surfing the web tonight (as opposed to folding the laundry that is begging to be folded) and came across an article about un-adoption: a family in Virginia who adopted one of their foster children is now in the process of "un-adopting" him. The mother claims that social services did not fully disclose this child's extensive abuse history and the depth of his psychological problems. She is now seeking to "unadopt" the boy, who is currently in a residential treatment center.

It is a very very sad story. Nothing amusing about it.

That being said, I was tickled to death and laughed out loud when I read the name of the church this family attended. Now, perhaps it is because I have a bachelor's in religious studies and a master's in theology, and therefore have a truly odd sense of humor when it comes to "all things religious", but I found the name of this church to be one of the top five best names (i.e. amusing, funny, hilarious, delightful) of churches I have ever read.

The name of the church? (drum roll please)

Sword of Spirit Deliverance Ministry Pentecostal Church*

*please note, I am in no way making fun of this congregation (ok, so maybe just a little, but in a light hearted "I find this truly delightful" kind of way), so please do not accuse me of religious intolerance. Truly, I am making no statements or insinuations about the dogma, liturgy, or ecclesiastical nature of this particular church. (I would never do that. in public. on a blog. ever) If you are reading this and are a member of this congregation, I apologize if this offends you in anyway. I will not, however cut my hand off with the Sword of Spirit Deliverance (or any sword, for that matter) nor will I entertain any other drastic act of antonement. My apology will have to suffice. That, and perhaps I can light a candle.
**Unless of course, the lighting of candles is offensive in your faith. In that case, the best I can do is to be mindful of this offense this sunday when we kneel for the confession of sins. Unless you have something specific in mind that does not involve violence or swords.
****But I draw the line at speaking in tongues. Or waving my hands in the air. Please understand, I am an Episcopalian. We are not rowdy folks. Besides, I was educated by Jesuits. And, while rowdy in their own way, they are most certainly not pentacostal-ly inclined (at least not in the american pentacostal church kind of way). "Slain in the spirit" language is generally interpreted in a "what we did during the crusades" kind of way. Which is not in "vogue" these days. By the Jesuits. Thank God.


LawMommy said...

As a fellow Episcopalian, I am finding this very amusing, "I am an Episcopalian. We are not rowdy folks."

No, no we're not. But, we can RSVP to a party and pour tea like nobody's business. :-)


Anonymous said...

LOL!!!! Seriously funny!